HCX registries will act as a source of truth for participant information on the platform. These may be extended from/link to already existing registries in the ecosystem, e.g. registry may extend from National Health Facility Registry provided by NHA. The benefit of extending from an existing registry would be:
Easy maintenance of base data at the source registry
The extended registry only needs to maintain additional/supplementary information pertaining to its use case
Better interoperability
Keeping with the key design principles listed above, registries on HCX will strive to be minimalistic, self-maintainable, support non-repudiability, accessible through OpenAPIs, Extensible and evolvable, and designs for data privacy and security. All registries on the HCX platform will minimally provide the following APIs:
Please note that onboarding of the actors in the registry will take place through workflows defined by domain groups and may change over time, therefore the access to the data modification APIs would be controlled by the HCX instance provider and used as part of the onboarding process.
Participating Organisations/Systems Registry
This registry stores key details about the participants on the exchange who can exchange data through it. It may link with data on the HFR registry and will have fields necessary to facilitate claims data exchange with providers. Proposed attributes of the registry are:
User Registry
While the exchange protocol by itself may not need to focus on the human user (as the exchange is between systems), operational management of the exchange infrastructure may require administrative infrastructure that may necessitate a registry for operational users from organizations running HCX as well as participating organizations. Following are the proposed attributes for the User registry:
Following OpenAPI 3.0 document describes these registries and the associated APIs.
Questions for Consultation
Question 1
Please review the proposed participant registry details and provide comments on whether the given attributes are a minimal sufficient list for the functioning of the HCX? What other attributes may be included? What should be the cardinality of those attributes?
Question 2
Please review the proposed participant registry details and any other attributes advised in Question 2 above. Please provide your comments on the data privacy or security aspect of these attributes?
Question 3
Please review the proposed user registry details and provide comments on whether the given attributes are a minimal sufficient list for the functioning of the HCX? What other attributes may be included? What should be the cardinality of those attributes?
Question 4
Please review the proposed user registry details and any other attributes advised in Question 3 above. Please provide your comments on the data privacy or security aspect of these attributes?
Instructions to send responses to the consultation questions are available here.
Last updated