Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)
There are two key DSLs being considered for the Health Claims Exchange - Policy Markup Language (PML) and Bill Markup Language (BML). These are currently work in progress and are expected to be released in the later version of HCX specifications after substantial proof of concept development with various members of domain working groups.
Policy Markup Language (PML)
The purpose of policy markup language is to provide a DSL to payers such that the policies can be encoded in machine readable format, thereby helping with the automation of eligibility check and adjudication processes.
Bill Markup Language (BML)
The purpose of bill markup language is to provide a DSL to payers such that the supporting bills can be parsed as machine readable structured data, thereby helping with the automation of adjudication processes.
Questions for Consultation
Question 1
The section above refers to adopting appropriate DSLs for policy and bills. Kindly suggest your views on the useability of such domain-specific language and provide prior examples.
Question 2
Are there any existing solutions that have been used/experimented with? Please provide examples.
Instructions to send responses to the consultation questions are available here.
Last updated