API Security
Details of API security to ensure authenticated and authorised access to APIs
The protocol defines an API key-based security for authentication and authorization of the API calls between the participating systems and the HCX gateway. HCX instances have to generate the API keys in the form of JWT tokens (RFC7519) and shall mandatorily set an expiry time for all the generated tokens.
In future versions, HCX instances may support JWTs issued by other system identity providers, e.g. Health Facility Registry’s IDP.
Securing HCX Gateway APIs
All participant systems (e.g.: providers, payers) should obtain an API key from the HCX gateway with which it identifies itself to the gateway. When calling any API on the HCX gateway, the participant system should pass the API key as part of the 'Authorization' http header.
Steps to obtain the API key:
After a successful verification and onboarding of a participant system onto the participant registry, use the following details to generate a API key:
username: This is the primary email address of the participant in the registry.
password: This is the password that is set during the onboarding onto the registry.
The participant system can call ‘/auth/realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/token’ API along with the username and password to obtain the API key.
{realm-name} is the security realm name used by the HCX Gateway insteance. Recommended name for the realm is "hcx", but gateway instances are free to use a different name.
HCX instance would respond with the API token upon successful validation of the username and password values:
JWT Token Structure:
API keys are expected to be in JWT format and signed as per JSON web signature (RFC7515). The API key should have three elements separated by periods (.): BASE64URL(UTF8(JOSE Header)), BASE64URL(JWS Payload), and BASE64URL(JWS Signature).
JOSE Header should be a JSON with the following values:
JWS Payload should be a claim set containing the mandatory claims jti, iss, sub, iat and exp.
jti - unique identifier for the JWT
iss - HCX instance identifier
sub - authentication provider id of the participant in the registry.
iat - unix timestamp at which the JWT is issued
exp - the expiration time after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing
JWS Signature must be computed in the manner defined for RS256 algorithm over the input ASCII(BASE64URL(UTF8(JOSE Header)) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWS Payload)) using the private key of the authentication provider.
Revoking API Keys
HCX instances can revoke the API key of a participant by updating a new password in the participant registry. The participant system has to generate a new API key by calling the ‘auth/realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/token’ API with the new password value.
Securing Participant System APIs
HCX instances while making the calls to the participant system will use a self-generated JWT token with the following elements:
JOSE Header should be a JSON with the following values:
JWS Payload should be a claim set containing the mandatory claims jti, iss, sub, iat and exp.
jti - unique identifier for the JWT
iss - HCX instance identifier
sub - same as iss claim, HCX instance identifier
iat - unix timestamp at which the JWT is issued
exp - the expiration time after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing
JWS Signature must be computed in the manner defined for RS256 algorithm over the input ASCII(BASE64URL(UTF8(JOSE Header)) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWS Payload)) using the private key of the HCX instance.
Participant systems should validate the API key signature using the public key of the HCX instance.
Last updated
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